
Zoe’s friend Melanie passed away this morning. When we met Melanie just after Zoe’s transplant she was a spunky 7 yr old girl with energy to spare. Melanie received her first heart in October, just before Zoe. She then received her second heart over the winter (November I think). Apparently Melanie is a biological rejector meaning she’s biologically unable to sustain donor organs. Because she’s rejected 2 hearts in under 2 1/2 years she was turned down for a third despite Dr. Boyle’s plea to the Cleveland Clinic Transplant board. As of last night (please keep in mind my information is 3rd hand) she was intubated and on constant dialysis because her kidneys had failed. Her family made the decision to keep her comfortable while she passed away. They really didn’t have any other options. My heart goes out to Mel’s mom, Christine, and her family. I can’t imagine having to make that decision for my 8 year old.

I don’t have funeral information yet but I will post it here as soon I get it.

Please keep Mel’s family in your thoughts & prayers.

One comment on “Melanie

  1. God bless that child. And may He bless her parents in their time of grief. My prayers and love go out to them.

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