A little bit of everything

Aunt Nikki has set up a benevolent fund in Zoe’s honor. If you are interested, you can go to any First Merit Bank branch and simply tell them you want to donate to the Zoe Tanner Benevolent Fund. There is also a paypal account linked to the fund. Unfortunately I don’t have that information. If you’re interested in going that route, leave a comment here if you don’t know how to get in touch with Nikki directly and she can help you out with that.

Apparently there is a spaghetti dinner/silent tentatively being planned for December. Details will be posted here once they are available.

There will also be a benefit concert also tentatively being planned for January featuring local talent. Details will be posted here as they become available.

i want to point out that all the decoration/web design ( I’m not up on the lingo-lol) was drawn by Zoe herself. Nikki knows a web designer who’s been helping us out with design. Once I get her name I’ll thank her personally.

Now i want to offer a bit of thanks to Nikki, Scott, Sherry, Papa, Nana and everyone else who’s been so generous with their time and talent to help us out with both the financial and the emotional cost this has put on my family. Words don’t seem like enough, but thank you.

One comment on “A little bit of everything

  1. I think this web design is absolutely perfect! It says ‘Zoe’! I also think this was a good idea to keep everyone update, offer suggestions, support & ideas. She’s a strong, beautiful little girl & I have faith that this will pass. While none of us knows why this has happened to her, to the family, to the friends & most likely none of us will ever know why. Again – I think this idea is perfect & its a way to reach out to everyone.
    Love, Kisses & Hugs from
    Nana XO

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