Gobble Gobble

Happy Turkey Day!

No changes today. They are trying to pull back on the some of the sedatives. They may have found the right combination to keep her calm. They also added an anti-itch medication to list. It seems to be working. She’s been very itchy.  Other than that she’s about the same. No news is good news where Zoe is concerned lately.

5 comments on “Gobble Gobble

  1. Happy Thanksgiving Zoe and to your family! I just wanted you to know you are in my thoughts today Love and Prayers, Mrs. H.

  2. Hey Miss Zoe~
    I spent a very long time praying for you this morning. I’m very happy to hear God answered a bit more today and you are a bit more comfortable! I’ll continue to pray that you’ll feel better!

  3. Joella, Cannon, and Jeriel Byron-Dixon

    November 27, 2008 at 11:00 pm

    Dear Zoe and Mr. and Mrs. Tanner,
    We pray for Zoe every day, but today we sent out an extra special Thanksgiving prayer for you. Jeriel said grace for us at our family dinner tonight and asked God to be with the soldiers and with Zoe. We are thankful for our school and everyone who makes it so special and that includes Zoe and her bright smile. Looking forward to seeing you there soon. Love, Joella, Cannon, and Jeriel

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Zoe! By this time next year – you will have a new heart and be able to eat as much turkey as you want! Continued prayers and good wishes!

  5. Keith & Lisa Beller (Beller Family)

    November 28, 2008 at 8:52 am

    Hi Zoe,
    Our family is praying for you and we’ve been praying alot. We’re praying that they find you a new heart soon and that you will heal quickly.
    Stay strong and Happy Thanksgiving.

    The Bellers

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