Zoe’s dance recital was yesterday. The name of the recital was Shop Till You Drop and it was such a great show. All these girls (and a few boys) worked so hard the last few months and their hard work definitely paid off. Everyone did so wonderful. Zoe did wonderful, despite her losing a shoe during her tap routine. I may post the short video I took of her ballet routine here on the site but she made me promise not to put her tap routine anywhere (she’s a little embarrassed about the shoe mishap).
Here are some recital pictures. Thank you so much Elizabeth for doing Zoe’s hair (she won’t hate you forever I promise! haha) and thanks to Maggie for doing Zoe’s make-up! You guys made my muffin look so beautiful!

June 21, 2010 at 3:59 pm
Lovely! What a beauty – both Zoe and her mom. 🙂