Last June I did a non-competitive sprint distance triathlon to help raise money for camp. Zoe was planning on doing the event with me, but due to a registration issue I was unable to register her since she was under 18. Much to my surprise, I saw numerous kids participating so this year I reached out to the organizers about registering her. They told me that they were using a new platform for registrations that shouldn’t shut her out due to age, but if it did, to let them know and they would manually register her.
We’re doing a triathlon! Well…I’m doing a triathlon. Zoe is swimming because she has zero interest in biking or running unless she’s in fear for her life. The event is 100% non-competitive and not timed. Quite a few participants only do 1 or 2 of the legs and skip others and that’s totally okay. We managed to talk a family friend into doing the bike leg for her and her brother is going to do the run.
The Berkshire Triathlon wants to raise $50,000 for camp this year. How will camp use that money? That amount of money will send 25 kids to camp. That’s right, $50,000 only sends 25 kids to camp. How many kids go to camp in 1 summer? About 900. None of these families will have to pay 1 dime for the experience either.
$25 – feeds one cabin, about 10 kids, late night snacks for a night
$50 – life jackets for the pool
$75 – sun hats for the ENTIRE summer
$200 – color olympics for one summer camp session
$25 – disinfectant wipes for a week
$50 – tattoos for Tattoo Tuesday!
$75 – helps fund quilt making supplies
$100 – costumes for the costume closet